Spirituality is the science of soul
The purpose of human existence is to explore this science and evolve from humanity to divinity. Given that the change is inevitable - if it occurs slowly and consciously our transformation turns into an enjoyable experience. Human mind, trained for earthly survival, often fails to appreciate the need to evolve spiritually. However, a guided tour by the Master, helps overcome the ignorance threshold, experience the Self in her purest form and appreciate the infinity of process and space. At the crossroads of this Great transformation, questions that usually arise are:
Why do I need to transform? Is transformation inevitable ? Am I already transforming without my conscious participation? Can I control my own evolution and destiny? What if I become enlightened ? How will it be more useful than my default state ? Is the process of transformation cost effective ?
After several iterations of thought experiments and deeper understanding of life - questions usually switch to: Which path is best for me? What are comparative merits of guided spirituality versus an independent effort? Given that the end point of spiritual process is an unconditional independence from the centripetal forces of karma, why so much of dependence on philosophy, mythology, rituals, and above all - The Master ?
Answer to all these and many more questions that arise during transformation from turbulence to tranquility emerge from our own life experiences. In my opinion, expansion is the default nature of the soul. It is just that we don’t notice the process because the expansion occurs in tiny imperceptible increments below our resolution. To see beyond the obvious one needs a different set of tools and strategies - just like a microscope that shows finer elements of cellular existence an unaided human eye cannot visualize.
Therefore, the first step in spiritual evolution is to run a diagnostic test on mind, debug ourselves of superfluous materialistic baggage and carve out an optimum evolutionary path best suited to our habits, beliefs and needs. Although mind cleansing and reformatting can be performed independent of any instruction manual, a guided approach is generally more effective. Just as a catalyst accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction, The Spiritual Teacher speeds up the expansion process, by showing a glimpse of what lies ahead, by fine tuning our thought process, by demonstrating unconditional love, by persuasion, by gentle admonishment or by a combination of all these and many more.
I have been very fortunate to enjoy the enormous Bliss and Grace of my Guru Sri Papasai ji (a Kashmiri Siddhayogi also addressed as Bhagwan Nityanand) who has demonstrated highest intensity of spirituality while firmly retaining focus on family, job and society. More on this later...